How our Beliefs shape our reality
Copyright © 2019 Michelle Wallace All Rights Reserved
When we’re born we have within us everything we need... then through the natural course of life we’re shaped and influenced by our parents, friends and our environment. We then begin forming our own beliefs based on what we’ve seen, been told and experienced.
We believe wholeheartedly that our beliefs are true and real and we respond, react and live our lives according to them. It’s unfathomable to think they may not be right or that they’re actually blocking us from the life we’ve always wanted.
Essentially our lives are the sum total of our beliefs. Not necessarily our conscious beliefs but the dogmatic mind of the subconscious. What the subconscious believes becomes the law of your world whether you consciously agree or not. Then the law creates the manifest world we reside in. So put another way, it is actually these beliefs that create the circumstances or events that trigger us.
For example, a person who has grown up in a poor family may hold the belief “I’ll never have money or I’ll never be rich”. No matter what they do they never seem to be able to acquire enough money. Basically their life is reflecting what they believe.
Worse still, we aren’t even aware of beliefs held by our subconscious mind but they have great impact on how we think, feel and manifest.
Have you ever wondered why a particular circumstance keeps happening to you and you have no idea why? Or you find yourself continually reacting a certain way and have no idea why?
This is our underlying subconscious beliefs showing themselves in our real world experiences.
When we can begin to identify these beliefs and recognise why we may have formed them or whilst they may have kept us safe or protected us when we were young, they now no longer serve us and are actually having a negative impact on us now, we can consciously decide to change them or let them go... we can transcend their influence.
We can choose to see these so called negative or unwanted circumstances or triggers as an opportunity to start seeing what our underlying subconscious beliefs really are. It’s in the identification and acknowledgment of what really lurks beneath that we have the real opportunity to heal.
So when you find yourself being triggered, rather than automatically reacting the same old way, first acknowledge you’ve been triggered which in itself can diffuse a lot of the initial impact, then enquire within as to why it’s triggered you, what do you believe that causes you to react this way. At first it may be difficult to really see the underlying belief/s, however if you continue to look at things this way eventually the truth will become more visible and you will then able to overcome them. The beauty about it is that when the circumstances which previously triggered you in relation to the belief/s held will cease to appear in your life. That’s when you’ll know you’ve moved past it.
Life CAN be what you want it to be!!