Spiritual Guidance Australia

Spiritual Guidance Australia


Welcome to Spiritual Guidance Australia

We believe each person has the power to unlock their full potential and live a life filled with love, joy, peace, harmony and purpose.

True healing and transformation is a holistic journey that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit.

Whether you’re seeking to heal from past traumas, limiting beliefs, release negative patterns, deepen your spiritual connection, attain true ascension or simply seeking greater clarity and direction in your life, we offer a comprehensive approach that honours the unique needs and experiences of each individual.

Regardless of where you are on your journey, our mission is to provide healing, guidance and support to help you on your personal path towards wholeness, wellbeing and to living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

We’ll empower and inspire you to take control of your life and begin living more in alignment with who you really are… your true authentic self, and begin following your soul’s higher purpose and destiny.



The healing work requires two distinct phases:
1.  The shaman looks into the client’s life and then works to diagnose the seen and unseen issue at the root of the problem.
2.  Then carries out the specific work through a choreography of energy, extracting the underpinning thought forms and clearing blockages causing manifesting patterns of behaviour at the root.


Shaman Counselling / Healing

The healing work requires two distinct phases:
1.  The shaman looks into the client’s life and then works to diagnose the seen and unseen issue at the root of the problem.
2.  Then carries out the specific work through guided discussion, being brought to epiphanies which releases the old underpinning thought patterns at the root, clears energetic blocks allowing new positive thought patterns to emerge.


Psychic & Mediumship Readings

Michelle can provide insights and guidance in all areas of your life. Mediumship is included in your session if or when required. Michelle divines and receives information and messages directly from, spirit guides and passed over loved ones through her natural abilities of clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience and clairtangency.



The real work spiritually is to bypass the Ego. Deep rituals such as plant medicine put the one to be healed through a ceremony. In these ceremonies the person is shown through the ritual experience the nature of “what is to change”. The person who partakes in the journey activates themselves so life moving forward would manifest pressure on the ego to let go.


Craig Stephenson

Shaman, Healer & Ritual Magician

Michelle Wallace

Shaman, Healer, Clairvoyant & Psychic Medium